The rain is here, and so are the flies! Is there a fly infestation in the house; Try this technique..

Wished it had rained when it was summer, but close
The Malayalees now feel that the dream has ended after four days of rain
condition Waterlogging and flooding all over the state
It is raining. Another guest who comes home uninvited when it rains
There is also Fly!

Flies are now everywhere in the kitchen, rooms and tables
It’s annoying. Their disturbance worsened with heavy rains. Also in food items
Flies swarm on clothes and kitchen utensils.
It is also important to keep flies away because they are good at spreading disease.
Let’s see how to get rid of fly nuisance inside the house this rainy season..
Add 3-4 pieces of cinnamon and 10-15 cloves to a glass of water.
Boil it and turn it into half a glass of water. A glass in another bowl
Take vinegar and equal amount of water. It was boiled earlier
Pour off the liquid.
Transfer this mixture to a spray bottle in areas where flies are present
hit In the kitchen, there are flies on the table
This spray can be applied everywhere. Flies can be controlled to some extent.

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